USA lifts all testing requirement for entry starting June 12th, 2022

Good news for those seeking to travel to United States in the near future as USA on June 10th, 2022 lifted the testing requirement that had been in place since January, 2021 that required all those entering USA, including citizens and green card holders, to have a negative Covid-19 test. 

The new order goes into effect starting June 12th, 2022 Eastern Time, so if you are on a flight arriving on Sunday anywhere in US, you no longer need to present a negative Covid-19 test. If you are a US citizen or green card holder, you no longer even have to show your proof of vaccination, whereas if you are a visitor you do need to show proof of vaccination before boarding.

USA is dropping all Covid-19 testing requirements for entry

The CDC requirement for entry was instituted in January 2021, when it required a test within 3 days prior to start of travel. It was made stringent in December, 2021 when the requirement was updated to have the test be conducted within 1 day of travel. The requirement was controversial since the beginning since it would bar even the citizens of the country from returning if the requirement was not met. 

As far as the test type were concerned, USA was one of the countries to have a relaxed requirement in that it allowed Rapid Antigen test results as well in addition to the more thorough RT-PCR tests. On the other hand, USA is a laggard when it came to lifting the testing requirement as most of the countries had already done away with the requirement including UK and Canada.


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